Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (2024)

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Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe -easy soft flatbread made with self-rising flour, natural sour cream and no yeast. Perfect for wraps, in place of pizza dough or dipped in curry.

If you like homemade breads, you may also like my No-Knead Bread and Homemade Pizza Dough.

Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (1)


The magical 2-ingredient dough is not at all new, however recently it's gaining popularity. It's easy, does not require any raising time since there is no yeast involved, it's versatile and the final result is soft and delicious! You can use it to make bagels, pizza, pretzels, dinner rolls, flatbread, and pita bread. It is a mix of self-rising flour and Greek yogurt. I don't usually have self-rising flour on hand so I made my own mix.I also know that natural sour cream has a similar texture and consistency as Greek yogurtand it is perfect for this recipe.

Ingredients Needed:

  • self-rising flour OR all-purpose flour and baking powder
  • salt
  • Greek yogurt OR natural sour cream
Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (2)

What is Flatbread?

Flatbread is an unleavened bread, made without yeast. It is usually thin and crispy, perfect for breaking into pieces and dipping in curry or used for wraps with gyros meat or shawarma meat.

How to make 2-Ingredient Flatbread?

  • To make this soft and pliable flatbread, measure out flour, baking powder and salt and combine in a large mixing bowl.
  • Add natural sour cream and stir together with a wooden spoon or spatula.
Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (3)
  • Form into a ball.
  • Place on a floured surface and let rest for 20 minutes.
  • In the meantime, grease a cast iron skillet and set over medium to medium-high heat.
Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (4)
  • Form the dough into a log and cut into 8 pieces. Start in the middle of the dough log and cut each half into two until you have 8 pieces.
  • Form each piece of dough into a ball, flatten gently on a floured surface and roll out into a thin circle.
Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (5)
  • Carefully, place the rolled out dough onto the preheated skillet and fry on each side for about 2 minutes OR until it is golden and golden brown spots form on the surface.
Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (6)

What Can I Substitute for Self-Rising Flour?

Self-rising flour is a mix of flour with a leavening agent, like baking powder. You can make your own and store in a containeror remember to add 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder and ¼ teaspoon of salt per 1 cup of flour needed.

No Yeast

To make a fluffy and soft flatbread without yeast, you will need another leavening agent. Self-rising flour is perfect for that because it contains baking powder. You can use store-bought self-rising flour or make your own mix. It's very easy! The flour along with Greek yogurt or natural sour cream (or coconut yogurt to keep it vegan) creates a soft and pliable flatbread.

How to Use Flatbread?

  • use it in place of a yeast pizza dough, top with tomato sauce, pepperoni and cheese and bake until cheese is melted. So good!
  • tore into pieces and serve with a big bowl of curry and rice.
  • use as a wrap to serve shawarma or gyros meat and vegetables
  • spread with hummus and top with veggies for a healthy lunch

Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (7)

If you like this recipe and make it, snap a photo and share it on INSTAGRAM! Tag me @crunchycreamysweet so I can check it out and leave a comment! 😀

Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (8)

Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe

Author: Anna

Easy soft flatbread made with self-rising flour, natural sour cream and no yeast. Perfect for wraps, in place of pizza dough or dipped in curry.


4.97 from 30 votes

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 15 minutes mins

Total Time 30 minutes mins


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour see note if using self-rising flour
  • 3 and ¾ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • 1 and ½ cups natural sour cream or Greek yogurt


  • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt.

  • Add natural sour cream and stir with a wooden spoon.

  • Form the dough into a ball. Place on a floured surface. Let rest for 20 minutes.

  • Next, form the dough into a log and slice in half. Slice each half into two and keep going until you have 8 pieces.

  • Form each dough piece into a ball and roll out with a rolling pin into a thin circle.

  • Grease a cast iron 11-inch skillet. Preheat oven medium to medium-high heat.

  • Carefully, place each piece in skillet and fry on each side for 2 minutes OR until it is golden and golden brown spots appear on the surface.

  • Remove from skillet and repeat with remaining pieces of dough.


If using self-rising flour, skip the baking powder and salt since the flour already has it.

Store cooled flatbread in a ziploc bag to prevent drying. Serve with curry and rice, as a mini pizza dough or in wraps with gyros or shawarma meat.


Calories: 389kcal | Carbohydrates: 76g | Protein: 17g | Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 3mg | Sodium: 468mg | Potassium: 584mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 2g | Calcium: 259mg | Iron: 4.7mg

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Reader Interactions


    Did you make this recipe? Let me know!

  1. Ruby says

    Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (13)
    Made it today. Delicious! Thank you.


  2. Shabz says

    Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (14)
    It’s soft and fluffy not to mention easy to make!!!
    If I want to use wholemeal flour what’s the ratio to white? Or can I just use SR wholemeal flour on its own as that’s my preference over white?


  3. Charles Grady says

    Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (15)
    I made this with Pamelas gluten free all purpose flour. And they came out great.


    • Anna says

      Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing, Charles!


  4. Becky says

    Have you tried buttermilk or whole milk instead of yogurt? I usually don’t have yogurt on hand. Would I need to add any fat to it? Thanks


  5. M says

    Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (16)
    Turned out perfect, great instructions. No more buying naan bread from the store for curry night. Thanks.


  6. Julie says

    How do you bake it for pizza crust? For pretzels?


  7. Donna says

    Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (17)
    This was soo good. I made some homemade gyros today with these. Huge hit! I have made pita before and could not get it to “puff” when cooking. These puffed! Yay. We loved this.


    • Anna says

      Perfect! Thank you for making my recipe, Donna!


  8. Teri says

    Does it matter if it’s fat free or say 5% Greek yogurt?


  9. Chun P Wong says

    I am looking forward to making this. Can it be made a day in advance? What is the best way to re-heat it just before serving?


  10. Paul Mico*ck says

    2 ingredient flatbread*

    *contains 4 ingredients


    • Anna says

      Hi Paul! Yes, it is if you have self-rising flour. If not, you can easily make it with additional 2 ingredients. I hope this explains it!


    • Kris says

      I'm going to assume we don't need the salt 🤔


      • Erica says

        The recipe note states that baking powder and salt are not necessary with self rising flour.

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Easy 2-Ingredient Flatbread Recipe - Crunchy Creamy Sweet (2024)
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